Personal Injury Blog

What to do if you Suffer from Whiplash Symptoms After a Car Accident

Neck injuries, including whiplash, are common car accident injuries, especially rear-end accidents. The impact when vehicles collide causes a tremendous force on the bodies of the people inside the vehicle. That force can result in the whipping motion that causes a whiplash injury. What Causes Whiplash? Whiplash is commonly the result of the head moving… read more

Do I Need Texas Motorcycle Insurance?

Some states require motorcyclists to carry additional insurance coverage or do not extend certain types of insurance coverage to motorcyclists. Texas is not one of those states. Motorcycles have the same insurance requirements in Texas as cars. Texas Motorcycle Insurance Requirements Motorcyclists must carry the same basic liability insurance coverage that other motorists carry. All… read more

What Are Your Legal Options if You Hit a Cyclist With Your Car?

If you hit a bike rider with your car, stop and assess the situation. Are you or the bike rider injured? If so, call 911 and request emergency medical services, in addition to a police officer. Leaving the scene of the bicycle accident is an unwise choice. Treat a bicycle accident in the same manner… read more

How are Pain and Suffering Damages Calculated?

If you have been injured because of another party’s wrongdoing or negligence, you could be entitled to compensation for your damages. Examples of cases that involve negligence and wrongdoing include car accidents, wrongful deaths, slip and fall accidents, and defective product injuries.  After proving that the party is liable for your damages, you can file… read more

What is a Coup Contrecoup Injury?

Brain trauma is a common injury sustained in motor vehicle accidents, slips & falls, bicycle crashes, and many other types of accidents. Brain injuries range from mild to severe. In some cases, a head injury could result in permanent disabilities and impairments. Coup Contrecoup brain injuries are a type of traumatic brain injury. They occur… read more

How to Obtain a Car Accident Report in Fort Worth

From speeding up the claims process with an insurance provider, to serving as key evidence in a personal injury suit, a car accident report can be incredibly valuable. Even if a police officer doesn’t respond to the accident scene, there are instances that require you and the other drivers involved to file a car accident… read more

What is the Difference Between Shelter in Place and Martial Law?

Most governors in the United States have issued various orders that require residents in those states to shelter in place. Referred to as “Stay at Home” or “Shelter in Place” orders, some people have questioned whether these orders rise to the level of martial law. Texans Advised to Limit Personal Interactions In his Executive Order… read more

Can Fault Be Determined by Car Accident Damage?

If you are injured in a Fort Worth car accident, the other driver might be liable for your injuries and damages. However, before you can recover any money for a car accident claim, you must prove that the other driver caused the collision. If you cannot prove the other driver was at fault, you may… read more

Can You Sue the Car Company if the Air Bags Did Not Deploy in a Car Accident?

There’s a certain formula for legal claims involving many car accident cases. You file a suit against the person who caused the accident or their insurance provider, and accept a settlement offer or take the matter to court. There are times, though, when things get a bit more complicated.  A good example is an airbag… read more

Trucking Regulations 2020: Everything You Need to Know

NOTE: Stephens Law, PLLC only handles cases involving accidents and injuries. This article is for informational purposes only. Information found in the article does not constitute as formal legal advice and does not create an attorney/client relationship. Stephens Law, PLLC cannot help you beyond the information provided below if you have questions regarding Texas trucking… read more