Ale Prado | February 4, 2021 | Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can result in long-term negative consequences for the people that experience them. There are many types of accidents that can result in traumatic brain injuries. No matter what the cause may be, traumatic brain injuries are usually accompanied by a host of symptoms.
One of the most common and recurring symptoms of a traumatic brain injury is a headache. In fact, more than 30% of TBI victims report headaches that continue for a long period of time after their initial injury.
Most of us think of headaches as minor inconveniences. But severe headaches can cause immense pain and make it nearly impossible to live a normal life. Unlike other headaches, headaches that result from TBI may last for days or longer.
If you have suffered from a brain injury, you should never dismiss a headache as a simple, small problem. Recurring headaches often signal significant underlying complications. Even on their own, persistent headaches can be a devastating long-term health condition.
When you have suffered from a brain injury because of someone else’s negligent actions, contact an accomplished legal professional. You may be owed financial recovery for the medical bills, lost wages, and other costs that resulted from your injury.
Common Accidents That Cause Traumatic Brain Injuries
TBI can cause a range of devastating and life-long symptoms. Sadly, some accidents lead to fatal brain injuries. Over 13,000,000 people in the U.S. live with a traumatic brain injury.
Some of the most common accidents that result in TBI include:
- Car accidents
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Slip and fall accidents
- Violent crimes
- Sports and recreation injuries
- And more
Traumatic brain injuries typically result from a blow to the victim’s head. But it is important to note that you do not have to strike your head on another surface or object to sustain a TBI.
One of the most common causes of a brain injury (like a concussion) is whiplash. This condition arises as a result of a victim’s head and neck experiencing an intense back-and-forth motion, similar to the motion of cracking a whip. Whiplash is a very common outcome of rear-end traffic collisions.
This condition can cause the victim’s brain to jostle around and collide with the interior wall of the skull. Whiplash can cause concussions or more severe brain injuries.
Complications from TBI-Related Headaches
The headaches suffered by TBI victims are often called “post-traumatic headaches.” Headaches that continue long after a brain injury can have a range of physical causes.
These include:
- A physical change to the brain caused by the injury
- Neck or skull fractures
- A byproduct of medications used to treat TBI
- Stress and emotional distress from TBI
Because there are so many potential causes, post-traumatic headaches can be challenging to properly diagnose. These headaches often begin after victims believe that they have already recovered from their injuries.
TBI-related headaches can signal dangerous underlying issues.
If any of the following apply to you, seek medical care immediately:
- You suffer from a headache lasting more than seven days.
- Your headache becomes more painful each day.
- You experience nausea, vomiting, or drowsiness that accompanies a post-TBI headache.
- You suffer from sudden unexplained weakness in your limbs or extremities.
- You have difficulty speaking or understanding language and speech.
In the wake of a traumatic brain injury, these can be signs of potentially serious and dangerous medical conditions.
Some brain injury victims report that they have experienced headaches for up to five years following their accident. When people experience recurring and prolonged headaches, it can be difficult to fully engage in life’s typical activities.
Going to work, studying for school, and participating in meaningful hobbies and recreational activities can be intolerable when you suffer from severe headaches.
Common Types of Headaches That Might Follow a Traumatic Brain Injury
There are several common categories of post-traumatic headaches, which include:
Migraine Headaches
This type of post-TBI headache typically involves a dull and throbbing pain located on one side of the victim’s head. Migraine sufferers often experience extreme sensitivity to light. Migraine pain is very severe and can be the result of a past traumatic brain injury.
Tension Headaches
Post-traumatic headaches can be the result of muscle tension and spasms. Typically, tension headaches involve a squeezing feeling and tightness around the victim’s entire head.
The pain from this type of headache is usually less severe than pain from a migraine. But the discomfort can still have a significant effect on the victim’s life. Discomfort from tension headaches can last for hours.
Cervicogenic Headaches
Post-TBI headaches of this kind usually occur because of soft tissue damage to the back of the head and neck. The pain from cervicogenic headaches tends to radiate around the neck, shoulders, and back of the head.
The amount of pain caused by this type of post-TBI headache varies from one person to the next. Some victims report mild discomfort, while others describe severe pain.
Rebound Headaches
Rebound headaches happen as the result of missing prescribed medications for headaches. If you have been prescribed medicine for headache symptoms, do your best to maintain the medication schedule recommended by your doctor.
No matter what type of headaches you experience, speak with a qualified medical professional to ensure that your pain is not a symptom of a dangerous underlying condition from your brain injury.
Seeking Compensation for Your Post-TBI Headaches
If you have sustained a traumatic brain injury because of another party’s negligence, contact an accomplished personal injury attorney as soon as possible.
Claimants in TBI cases can secure damages for the following:
- Pain and suffering
- Past, present, and future medical bills
- Lost income or missed wages
- Costs associated with ongoing TBI symptoms
Schedule a consultation with a skilled legal professional to discuss the details of your TBI case. Post-TBI headaches can cause immense suffering for victims. You should not have to bear the financial burdens all on your own.
Contact Our Brain Injury Law Firm in Fort Worth, TX – Stephens Law Personal Injury | Wrongful Death | Truck Accidents
If you’ve been injured in an accident in Fort Worth and need legal help, contact our Fort Worth brain injury lawyers at Stephens Law Personal Injury | Wrongful Death | Truck Accidents to schedule a free consultation.
Stephens Law Personal Injury | Wrongful Death | Truck Accidents
1300 S University Dr # 300
Fort Worth, TX 76107
(817) 420-7000
Open 24 hrs.